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Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Leprechaun Origins (2014)

**This is a repost review that I first published in 2015 on another blog, that I decided to post on here.** 

Personally, I am a huge fan of the original Leprechaun movie staring Warwick Davis. I have to say, he was a good choice for the role, because he brought a lot to the character. To me, he was a horror icon like Freddy Krueger. 

Davis did a great job. It gives you a sense that the movie is not supposed to be taken seriously. I mean it's a Leprechaun, who just wants his gold back. Honestly, I felt Leprechaun was trying to be the Freddy Krueger of the 90s; but it didn't work too well. I get why though, it just became too ridiculous. Some people did not enjoy the fact it leaned more on the humor side than horror. Well, honestly I liked the movie for that premise. However, the same old gags were being recycled; which made the movies really boring to watch. 

Since then, no one has attempted to make a really terrifying Leprechaun movie...until 2014. About 11 years after the first Leprechaun movie was released, a new one began to emerge. I just happen to stumble across an article about it, while trying to piece together the order of the original movies. The movie was going to be called Leprechaun Origins. So not a remake and not a sequel. It was a completely different movie. That's good, because if they had done a remake and NOT included Warwick Davis, I would have been pissed. 

Anyway, the movie was done by WWE Studios. Well, I have to admit, that right there shocked me. The Leprechaun in this movie is played by Dylan 'Hornswoggle' Postl. Yeah the wrestler. Again another shocker, but at least you don't have to look for a stuntman. In my opinion, best Leprechaun so far!! He was very convincing and scary as shit!! It's important to note that Davis was prosthetics in the original Leprechaun. However, in this movie, the Leprechaun was pretty much all CG; but it was still awesome looking, though. 

After first, I was a little intrigued. The original Leprechaun movies were more like slapstick comedy than horror and I feel that’s why they never touched upon the subject again until now. This new movie is a whole new ball game. I was a little nervous watching this movie, but I decided to go ahead and watch it. I wanted to see for myself how good or bad it was. 

Now there are few things I’ve noticed different. The setting has been changed. Instead of taking place in a rural house, it takes place in the Irish countryside. Also the characters are different. Instead of being a group of random strangers, there are two young couples backpacking around Ireland. They visit this remote town in the middle of nowhere and gradually, being to discover the town’s chilling secret. It sort of reminded me of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre or even Cabin in the Woods. So yeah especially, if you enjoyed seeing either of those movies, you’ll enjoy this one.

Okay for a movie with the word "Origins" in the title, I didn't feel like they gave away too much of the origin of the Leprechaun. I was expecting flashbacks; similar to Rob Zombie’s remake of Halloween. I mean yes they do give you a little bit of a backstory; but I would have liked them to go further in and given us the entire backstory. However, I think they were just trying to leave it up to your imagination, and for that I give them credit. There aren’t many movies today that leave up to the audience to figure out for themselves.

That's really my only complaint with this movie. The acting is really good. It was a bit predictable and sort of cheesy, but hey it's a horror movie. No one knows how one's going to act in that type of situation. I mean I felt Brendan Fletcher did an amazing job; but there might be someone out there who disagrees with me. Go right ahead!! I think he’s a fantastic actor!!

Okay that’s it. Yeah I don’t want to give too much away of this movie, as I know a lot of people probably have never see or heard of it yet.

Let's just say, it's worth a watch. If you're looking for a decent thriller, I'd go with Leprechaun Origins. I liked it. It was a good movie. Since watching videos on Cinemassacre, I've learned to look at movies in a whole new way, and that's the approach I took with this movie. I viewed as an independent film someone made to entertain people. I'm glad someone had the balls to make another Leprechaun movie. Also make it serious and scary. Let's just hope they don't get ridiculous and end up putting the poor guy in space.

Sleep Tight, 
A Nightmare on Movie Night

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