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Thursday, August 15, 2019

Alice Sweet Alice (1976)

**NOTE: This movie review was posted in Dec 2015, however I thought  I should repost it on here, because that makes sense to me. Umm yah. Enjoy!!**

Originally called Communion, Alice Sweet Alice is a slasher horror movie from 1976, even though I believe the movie is supposed to be set in the late 60s. The film was first released on November 12th, 1976. 

The main plot of the movie is about a girl named Alice (Paula Sheppard) who lives with her mother, Catherine (Linda Miller and sister Karen (Brooke Shields). Karen is about to receive her First Holy Communion when she is murdered and burned in the back of the church. So for the remainder of the film, the police are looking for the murderer. 

As for Alice, she is a very strange child. She reminds me of Carrie in so many ways. Her facial expressions make it see like she could snap at any moment. Also, like Carrie, she was conceived out of wed-lock, forcing her parents to marry in order to hid the pregnancy and shame. So it is believed that she did not have a Baptismal or a First Holy Communion, which in turns shows through the jealousy she has for her sister, Karen. She is getting all of this attention, while Alice is just shoved to the side and looked at as if she is the "Bad Seed." Karen is for sure favored by everyone and she appears to be a sort of angel, where Alice is looked at as the devil child.

Now I have to mention that the murderer has the creepiest disguise I've never seen. The killer wears a translucent doll mask paired with a bright yellow raincoat, a white "communion dress" and white dress shoes. The first time we see this mask when Alice is walking through Father Tom's (Rudolph Willrich) house. She walked into the kitchen and scares Mrs. Tredoni (Mildred Clinton) with the same mask. Later, Karen is following her to get home for dinner. Again Alice terrifies her with the same mask and raincoat combination. All signs seem to the pointing to Alice, am I right? She was jealous of Karen, because she appeared to be the favorite in everyone's eyes. A main clue appears when Alice is the last person in the church. She is sitting in the row with the other children, waiting to receive communion when everyone hears a piercing scream coming from one of the nuns in the back of the church. 

Another clue happens when her Aunt Annie (Jane Lowry) is attacked by a knife-wielding maniac wearing the same raincoat and mask. Immediately, she thinks it's Alice, because she was no where to be found at the time. Also there is the pedophile landlord Mr. Alphonso (Alphonso DeNoble) who made a sworn accusation that it was Alice. All signs are pointed at this "evil" child, who her mother believes she's innocent, even after all the accusations. 

This movie is greatly paced throughout using the spooky scenery around the city of Paterson, New Jersey. The acting is pretty decent. I mean there is a little overacting, but the cinematography is one of the reasons to watch this movie. Another reason is that it's an interesting thriller. Your curiosity gets the best of you and you really want to know the murderer. Also there is a HUGE religious base around this movie. I mean it was originally titled Communion, so it is to be expected. Also in the 1970s, there was a religious trend going on in the film industry. However this whole religious aspect really works for it. 

Alice sweet Alice never really received mainstream attention when it first came out. It was one of those movies that just faded into the background. Unless you were around when it was made, or heard it from somewhere, you would never have known this movie existed. I didn't know about it until I saw a review for it on Cinemassacre.com and I thought it was a pretty good thriller movie. It has since become a more of a cult movie like The Evil Dead (1981). 

Now in 1981, the movie was re-released again under the name Holy Terror to bank on the success of Brooke Shields. Unfortunately, it still didn't gain the recognition it deserved. I think the main problem why this movie didn't get mainstream attention is, Carrie came out 9 days before this on November 3rd, 1976. So, this movie was going up against a Stephen King film as well as a devil child. It did not stand a change at all. Also when it was re-released in 1981, it was going up against An American Werewolf in London as well as Mommy Dearest. So yeah. During both of its releases, it was up against some pretty hefty competition at the box office. Regardless, I think it has become a cult hit in recent years. It is now available on several different streaming services and people have see it.  

Okay in reality, most of this blog was written like 4 years ago. I posted it on a different website and I wanted to repost it on here. So when I originally wrote this blog, I was surprised to find out through my research that they are planning a remake. Now that was 4 years ago, I did a quick search today and as of 1 MONTH ago, they are still working on a remake. You know for me, once you're getting into 1/2 decade territory, you should just quit. I mean they have been talking about a remake/sequel of Beetlejuice and Killer Klowns. I am just a lover of the original, so it's hard for me to take on a remake or anything like that. 

Grant it, it would be great to have a remake of this movie, because there are some plot holes. I would like there to be a little bit more character development. However I believe this movie was made strictly for atmospheric horror rather actual like dialogue horror (if that makes sense). Also I believe there should be a Black Christmas ending where they don't reveal the killer. In my opinion, it's way scarier when you don't know who the psychopath is. 

Anyway, this a pretty good movie. It currently has a 6.5 our of 10 on IMDB and an 82% on Rotten Tomatoes; which I agree with both of those ratings. I highly recommend this movie. I was able to watch it on YouTube for free because at the time it was a public domain movie. However, I think that has changed, but regardless its available on more streaming platforms for pretty cheap the rent. 

I hope you all check it on. As I say, we all need to move onward to another Movie Review. I promise you, this time it will be ANOES 4: Dream Master!! 

Sleep Tight, 
A Nightmare on Movie Night

Sunday, August 11, 2019

A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors (1987)

*Apologizes made in advance. This blog may contain spoilers. Reader discretion is advised!!* 

"We're the DREAM WARRIORS!!" - Dokken 

A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors (1987) is about a group of kids being treated in Westin Hills Psychiatric Hospital. The main protagonist is Kristen (Patricia Arquette) had gotten her wrists slashed by Krueger; which brings her to the psychiatric hospital. In the hospital, there is a special group of kids that are having the same type of nightmares as Kristen.

This movie also brings back a main character from the first film. Nancy (Heather Langenkamp) makes a triumphant return as a doctor with a specialization in dream analysis. They dive deeper into the history of Freddy in this one as well. There is a nurse, Amanda Krueger, who was locked inside the hospital with a 100 maniacs. Obviously they took advantage of her multiple times and she found out she was pregnant with Freddy (whoa, they went dark for this one). So, this makes him more human and the fact that he is not just something made up by these kids. Each patient in this hospital had their own special powers and gifts that makes them into the Dream Warriors (kind of like X-Men). Kirsten has the ability to pull people in there dreams, Kincaid (Ken Sagoes) has super strength, Joey (Rodney Easemen) finds his voice, Will (Ira Heiden) is a wizard master, and Taryn (Jennifer Rubin) is a badass fighter.

With the return of Nancy and the way the cast blends together, which makes me believe it is the reason it's a fan favorite. Also the special effects are really good in this installment. They figured out a way to make Freddy a more sinister villain, by having him attack their weakness. For instance, there is one patient, Philip (Bradley Gregg), who made puppets. So naturally what does Freddy do, turn him into a puppet. The special effects were phenomenal how they slit open his arms and legs to make the blood vessels the strings. They made it look so real with the practical effects. He was the first death of the film and it really grabs the audiences attention.

Another death that really interesting is when Jennifer (Penelope Sudrow) was killed by a TV. Yeah she always wanted to be an actress; which Freddy preys on, so naturally he uses that against her. One night, she watching TV (of all things, she's watching a NEW LINE movie, called Critters; which came out a year before. Good job plugging our own movies, New Line!!), it turns into Freddy and kills her. The special effects are killer. No joke!! They created some form a vacuum for and just edited it in a way so it looked like Freddy's head on top of the TV and the maniacal hands they come out the sides and grab her. It's probably one of my favorite death scenes, because you aren't expecting it at all. It is such a shock. Also it has one of the BEST lines in the whole series. Freddy looks at her and says, "This is it Jennifer, you're big break in TV...Welcome to Primetime, Bitch." It is just an iconic line. Another interesting fact is that the last bit of this line was not scripted. Robert Englund came up with it on the fly. He was stumbling over the original line, so instead he came up with, "Welcome to Primetime, Bitch," which I think is a great line. It sums up everything in that scene.

I could seriously talk about this movie all day; but if I did, I would never get to the Dream Master. It really is a great film. If you haven't seen it, I would recommend it 100%!! I honestly believe this one here could be a stand alone film. Nancy does recount about what happened in the first film, so you could watch it and fully understand what's going on.

One final thing I will say is that this is the FIRST movie to associate with heavy metal music. Dokken was approached by New Line, saying that they had create a song; which had to be called Dream Warriors for this film. They eventually created a killer track that eventually went Platinum and is still one of their most requested songs today. It was also the FIRST music video to be released on the VHS tape for Dream Warriors. Their music video was a bonus at the end of the Dream Warriors VHS. I mean that is a quite the  accomplishment for any amazing band.

Anyway, this is an amazing installment in this series and really worth a viewing. Like I said, I could take about this movie all day, everyday, however we must press on to the next installment. Check out Dream Warriors, as well as the music video by Dokken!!

Onward to The Dream Master!!

Sleep Tight,
A Nightmare on Movie Night